Incomplete Idiot

"I've heard someone say that our problems aren't the problem; it's our solutions that are the problem. That tends to be one thing that goes wrong for me — my solutions." - Anne Lamott

Location: Georgia, United States

I am currently the Logistics Coordinator for MCYM/Club Beyond Europe (my missions agency is Young Life, just to be confusing). :0) I have traveled to many parts of this world, but I'm not as well-traveled as I would like to be some day. I have had more jobs than I can count, and my list of interests grows everyday. I take seriously Paul's urging to be "all things to all people". Mostly, I am interested in being a friend to all the folks I have been blessed to meet, because I am discovering (slowly) that it is not all about me.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hollywood Storage

Here is the promised blog about my storage woes. Warning: what you are about to read is just complete and utter whining about the ridiculous things in this world that we have no real control over.

I have been storing my vast amounts of worldly goods in a 10x10 ft storage unit for about a year now. As I have made the transition back to the South from places near and far, I have collected a fair amount of what is basically so much sentimental junk. I am a sucker for anything lovingly hand-crafted or things that bear a touching sentiment. I keep boxes of old letters and cards, just because I cannot endure the thought of throwing them out. So, I have lugged this stuff, once again, across the country to be safely looked after by the people who owned an air-conditioned storage company called Evans Best Storage. I happily paid my money every month so that my precious keepsakes and pieces of furniture, that all have emotional attachments for me, could have a comfortable home away from home.

About six weeks ago I received a letter from said storage company informing me of some new changes they were making. First, they informed me that they would be changing the name to Hollywood Storage. Second, they wondered if I had noticed the new search lights blazing through the night sky. I had noticed them. I thought the county government had built a new airport close to my house I wasn't aware of. They also informed me about other changes that would soon take place, now that they had a new identity.

One of those changes came about a week and a half after the first letter. This letter boldly proclaimed that as a storage unit user I would now be paying eight dollars more a month for my unit. That is exactly one tenth more than what I had been paying per month. Nowhere in this new letter did they explain exactly why they now had to extort more of my hard earned cash, but I knew why. When I sent my payment in for that month I wrote down a few of my questions about the change in price. I asked, "What do I care whether my storage unit is called Hollywood Storage or Evans Best Storage?" "What does it accomplish to put huge (and apparently expensive) search lights on top of my storage unit?" "I don't exactly want the entire free world to know where I keep my stuff." "Do you really think that putting search lights on the building will attract more customers, or just more bored teenagers driving around trying to establish where the source of light is coming from?" And, finally, "Why should I pay more for changes that don't actually do anything for me?" I asked all these questions to no avail. No one answered my desperate plea for information or sane reasoning. I think they honestly thought that the customers were not going to put two and two together and come up with "this is a load of horse hockey".

So, this month, I moved out. I said good-bye to Evans Best Storage (as they had yet to put my money to the use of actually changing the sign), and I happily tore up the bill that was asking for more of my money to finance their life-long dream of owning a storage unit that looks like the back lot at MGM or Universal Pictures.


Blogger Julie said...

I don't think bored teenagers are the only ones that chase after those lights...

Glad your stuff has found a new home!

6:44 PM  
Blogger maslyn said...

The only other thing I can think of being attracted to those lights are really big bugs, and that freaks me out just thinking about it!

I'm a bit disappointed with the picture I tried to post. If you click on the little red X it will come up, but otherwise, no dice.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love that you wrote the letter - great questions - though you had to know it was a total waste of time to even try to reason with such people. I wonder if they posted it on a bulletin board as a "customer feedback" that they were proud of. They probably thought you really liked the lights, despite your obvious outrage.

8:30 PM  
Blogger Geo said...

I stumbled upon your blog because you happen to like John Gorka too, and I was happy to find your post about the storage place. Happy that you found a new spot for your stuff, and your post made me smile. :)

10:05 PM  

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